Community Rights Douglas County is a 501c3 organization. That means when you make a tax-deductible donation, you’re helping to build the Right of our communities — not corporations — to determine our community’s future. With your help, we are educating citizens about their rights to local self-governance and mobilizing our communities to stand up against unjust laws that do nothing to protect our communities and Nature.
Ways you can support us:
One Time Donation – We gladly accept any amount for a gift. No amount is too small and it’s tax-deductible, so you get it back at the end of the year!
Sustaining Contributor – Make it easy and set up a recurring donation! Whether it’s $5 or $50 we appreciate the donors who keep us up and running
Estate planning – The end of life doesn’t need to be the end of giving back to life. If you or someone you know is making end of life plans, please consider a gift to Community Rights Douglas County.