Community Rights Douglas County is a 501c3 organization that believes the community as a whole has rights, such as: the right to prevent corporate damage to the community and the environment, as well as the right to organize against such harm. We will accomplish this by educating and collaborating with people to build a vibrant community rights movement in Douglas County.
Supporting & Protecting
the Rights of Rivers
and Their Ecosystems
There is an old Indian prophecy that claims one day the cost of one ounce of water will equal the cost of one ounce of gold. Due to our human caused water crisis, this prophecy is becoming a reality.
In order to reverse this situation we must fundamentally change our view of water. If corporations can have Rights, why not water? Why not all of Nature? Granted personhood, waterways will be visible in the court of law. This will begin to provide the protection needed to end our water crisis.
To learn more on how to become a water protector please watch this Rights for Water TED talk by Kelsey Leonard.